Performance by Nina Isabelle & Amelia Iaia at Para\\el Performance Space in Brooklyn, NY on March 23, 2019

English fails at describing the location of abstractions in relation to the human body. Identifying such things is challenging and understanding our proximities to both physical and abstract structures or concepts is a murky smudge in our perceptive fields and abilities. Recognizing how perceptions transition from one "place" to another requires a deep inquiry into the question of how we arrive at sensing or knowing.
Prepositions are words that describe the location of things in relation to other things. The English language has more than a million words to describe subjects and objects yet only 150 prepositions. Prepositions are useful for describing the location of physical objects yet fail when put up against or in combination with abstract subjects.
Amelia and I generated a random list of prepositions paired with abstract nouns and verbs and came up with one-hundred-and-fifty phrases that we used to produce an audio arrangement. We constructed interactive objects of materials consisting of various textures, densities, and transparency for our performance. We came up with a set of gestures that we felt illustrated the concept as a way to illuminate the intangibleness of our language and perception situation.